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Cash App For Business: Complete Guide on Tax Reporting for Cash App Business Accounts

7 minute read

File Form 1099-K Tax Reporting for Cash App: How Do Mobile Payment Platforms like Cash App Support Tax Reporting



Mobile payment solutions like Cash App have become integral for businesses in the digital era. However, with the convenience comes the responsibility of tax form reporting. This guide comprehensively answers frequently asked questions about tax form reporting for these platforms, particularly for business accounts. We'll discuss the importance of filing Form 1099-K to support tax form reporting and potentially aid your tax refund process.

Understanding Form 1099-K in Digital Transactions on Cash App

Understanding Form 1099-K is essential for businesses using digital transaction platforms like Cash App. This form is issued to users who meet specific transaction thresholds, typically involving payments for goods and services. It reports the total payments received through the platform over the tax year. For businesses, Form 1099-K helps in accurately reporting income to the IRS, as it reflects the gross payment volume processed. Familiarizing yourself with this form is crucial, as it aids in ensuring that your reported income aligns with what these platforms report, thus avoiding discrepancies and potential issues with tax filings.

Tax Reporting Requirements for Cash App

Tax reporting requirements for Cash App, Zelle, and PayPal are mandated by the IRS, and taxpayers must report any income received through these platforms. The IRS requires Cash App, Zelle, and PayPal to issue Form 1099-K to users who meet certain thresholds of income received. This form reports the gross amount of payment transactions processed through these apps. Additionally, if you sell securities using Cash App or other payment platforms, you may receive Form 1099-B based on the information reported to the IRS by these companies. Taxpayers need to ensure that all their taxpayer information is accurate and up to date to avoid any discrepancies in their tax reporting. By being aware of these tax reporting requirements, you'll be able to fulfill your tax obligations and avoid potential penalties from the IRS.

How to Set Up Tax Reporting for Cash App Business Accounts

Getting Started with Tax Reporting for Cash App

To initiate tax reporting for your Cash App business account, navigate to the settings section and select the tax reporting option. Follow the prompts to provide the necessary business information and taxpayer details for accurate reporting.

Downloading Tax Forms for Cash App Business Accounts

Cash App allows you to download tax forms and guides specific to business accounts, ensuring that you have access to the required documentation for fulfilling your tax obligations.

Understanding Fees for Tax Reporting on Cash App

Comprehending the fees associated with using Cash App for tax reporting for business accounts is essential. Familiarize yourself with the fee structure to manage your expenses effectively.

Receiving Refunds for Tax Reporting on Cash App

In the event of overpayment or eligibility for tax refunds, Cash App facilitates the swift processing of refunds, ensuring that you receive any owed funds in a timely manner.

Distinguishing Personal and Business Transactions

Distinguishing between personal and business transactions is crucial for accurate financial management and reporting. For business owners, especially those using platforms like Cash, it's important to maintain separate accounts for business and personal use.

This segregation ensures clarity in transaction records, making tracking business expenses and revenues easier. When personal and business transactions are mixed, it complicates accounting processes and can lead to errors in tax filings. Diligently categorizing transactions helps provide a clear financial picture of the business, ensuring compliance with tax regulations, and facilitating smoother audits and financial assessments.

Transactions to be Reported on Form 1099-K for Cash App

Cash App users should be aware that the transactions they make through the app may be subject to reporting on Form 1099-K. According to the IRS, Form 1099-K reports payment card and third-party network transactions to the IRS. Specifically, a Form 1099-K must be filed by payment settlement entities (PSEs) like Cash App when those transactions total more than $20,000 and there are more than 200 transactions in a calendar year.

If a user receives payments exceeding $20,000 and has more than 200 transactions through Cash App in a year, they should expect to receive a Form 1099-K from the app. Users must keep track of their transactions and be mindful of reaching these thresholds to ensure compliance with IRS reporting requirements.

Setting Up Business Accounts on Cash App for Tax Reporting

Setting up business accounts on Cash App, Zelle, and PayPal is vital for efficient tax form reporting. For Cash App, switch to a business account to accommodate commercial exchange. PayPal offers a distinct business account option, ideal for managing sales, invoices, and customer transactions. Zelle, primarily used for personal purchases and transfers, might require a separate bank account linked to your business account for transfer clarity. These dedicated accounts enable you to separate personal and business finances, simplify income tracking, and ensure accurate tax form reporting. Maintaining clear records and understanding each platform’s tax documentation, such as Form 1099-K, is crucial for seamless tax filing.

Reporting Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency Transactions

Reporting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency transactions on platforms like Cash App, Zelle, and PayPal is an emerging and important aspect of modern tax compliance. For Cash App, which actively supports Bitcoin transactions, users must report any gains or losses in their tax filings, as these are considered taxable events by the IRS. PayPal also facilitates cryptocurrency transactions, requiring similar reporting of gains or losses. Zelle, however, currently does not support direct cryptocurrency transactions. Users need to maintain detailed records of all cryptocurrency purchases, sales, and exchanges, as these platforms may issue tax documents like Form 1099-K or 1099-B reflecting these transactions for tax purposes.

Downloading and Understanding Your Transaction History to Support Tax Reporting for Cash App Income

For Cash App users, downloading your transaction history is straightforward. Open the Cash App, tap the profile icon on the home screen, and select 'Personal' from the menu. Scroll down to find the 'Documents' section and choose 'Monthly Statements' or 'Yearly Summary' as needed. These documents provide a comprehensive view of your transactions, including payments received and sent and any fees incurred. Reviewing these statements helps in accurately reporting business income and expenses for tax purposes and tracking personal financial activity.

Steps to Take if You Haven’t Received Form 1099-K

Contacting Cash App Support for Tax Reporting Assistance

 If you need assistance with tax reporting for Cash App, you can contact the app's support team for help. Like other payment apps, Cash App may require you to report payments for goods and services for tax purposes. The support team can provide guidance and answer any questions if you need additional tax information or help reporting your income from Cash App transactions. They can also assist you with any tax forms or documents you may need to complete for your records or for filing your taxes with the IRS. Don't hesitate to contact Cash App support for any tax-related inquiries.

How to Report Income from Goods and Services Sold

Reporting income from goods and services sold via Cash Ap is important to tax compliance. For each platform, any income from selling goods or services should be reported as business income on your tax returns. If you exceed the IRS thresholds for transaction volume or amount, you will receive Form 1099-K from Cash App or PayPal, summarizing your payments. Accurate record-keeping and including all such transactions in your tax filings are crucial to ensure compliance and avoid potential IRS penalties.

How to Keep a Log of Business Transactions on Cash App

One way to keep a log of business transactions on Cash App is to use the services on Form 1099-K. This form records all transactions processed through the Cash App for Business account, which can be useful for tracking income and expenses. Additionally, it is important to keep detailed records of all transactions made through the app or other payment apps, including the date, amount, and purpose of each transaction. This information can be helpful when it comes time to file taxes or provide tax advice to your accountant. By maintaining a thorough log of business transactions on Cash App, you can ensure that you accurately report your income and expenses and avoid any potential issues with the IRS.

Can a Tax Professional Provide Advice on Reporting Cash Payments From Cash App?

Seeking professional tax advice is crucial when handling income from mobile payments through platforms like Cash App, Zelle, and PayPal. Tax laws can be intricate, and the nuances of digital transactions add complexity. A qualified tax professional can provide guidance tailored to your situation, ensuring compliance with IRS regulations and optimizing tax liability. They can help decipher the tax implications of various transactions, including those involving cryptocurrencies, and advise on the correct reporting methods. Engaging with a tax advisor helps in accurate tax filing and strategic planning for future financial decisions, making it a wise investment for any business using mobile payment platforms.  Services such as Taxfyle can help connect you with a licensed tax professional who can guide your through the complexities of accepting digital payments and reflecting them correctly on your tax returns.

Preparing for Upcoming Tax Years: Tips and Strategies

Preparing for upcoming tax years is vital for businesses using Zelle, Cash App, and PayPal. Start by maintaining meticulous records of all transactions, categorizing them appropriately to distinguish between personal and business activities. Utilize these platforms' features to download annual statements or transaction histories for a comprehensive financial overview. Regularly reviewing these records helps identify trends and plan for tax liabilities. Consider setting aside a portion of income for tax obligations and stay updated on IRS regulations, especially concerning digital payments and Form 1099-K thresholds. Engaging a tax professional for advice can also be beneficial, ensuring your business stays compliant and optimizes tax strategies.

Key Terms

Key Terms Definitions
Cash App Using Cash App for business transactions can simplify tax reporting, but it's important to segregate personal and business transactions.
Tax Advisor Consulting with a tax advisor is crucial for specific tax advice, particularly for transactions reported on a Form 1099-K.
Personal Cash App Personal Cash App accounts require separate tax considerations, especially concerning personal payments.
$600 Reporting Threshold The IRS announced a one-year delay in implementing the $600 reporting threshold for third-party networks.
Form 1099-K Payments for goods and services totaling over the threshold must be reported on a Form 1099-K.
Personal Account Ensure your personal account and business account with Cash App are kept separate.
Form 1099-K You’ll receive a Form 1099-K if you receive payments for goods and services that meet the criteria. The form 1099-K captures goods and services sold. Transactions will be documented on Form 1099-K when they total over the threshold set by the IRS.
Sold Goods You must report these transactions if you sell goods or provide services.
Goods and Services Form 1099-K is based on the total payments received for goods and services.
American Rescue Plan Act The American Rescue Plan Act introduced significant changes to tax reporting, particularly for platforms like Cash App.
Requires Your Transactions Keep a detailed log of your transactions, as the IRS requires your transactions to be reported accurately.
Party Intend Icon Profile Be mindful of the profile you use (business or personal) on payment platforms and ensure transactions align with your intended use.
Payments Received All payments received through apps should be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.


Using Cash App for your business account can be convenient and user-friendly. However, it is important to understand that the IRS requires businesses to report all income, including payments received through Cash App. Before starting with Cash App for your business, you must familiarize yourself with the tax requirements and ensure you comply with all regulations. Additionally, it is important to keep thorough records of all transactions and income generated through the app in case of an IRS audit. Overall, Cash App can be a useful tool for businesses. Still, it is crucial to understand and adhere to the tax implications and reporting requirements associated with using this platform for business transactions. Educating yourself on these matters and staying organized with your financial records can help you avoid any potential issues with the IRS.

How can Taxfyle help?

Finding an accountant to file your taxes is a big decision. Luckily, you don't have to handle the search on your own. 

At Taxfyle, we connect individuals and small businesses with licensed, experienced CPAs or EAs in the US. We handle the hard part of finding the right tax professional by matching you with a Pro who has the right experience to meet your unique needs and will handle filing taxes for you.

Get started with Taxfyle today, and see how filing taxes can be simplified. 

Legal Disclaimer

Tickmark, Inc. and its affiliates do not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal, tax or accounting advice or recommendations. All information prepared on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be relied on for legal, tax or accounting advice. You should consult your own legal, tax or accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. The content on this website is provided “as is;” no representations are made that the content is error-free.

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November 17, 2023


Kristal Sepulveda, CPA

Kristal Sepulveda, CPA


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