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Ultimate Guide to IRS Form 2553: Small Business Corporation Election & Corp Elections Instructions

8 minute read

How to File IRS Form 2553 for Your Small Business Corporation: A Comprehensive Guide to Fill out Form 2553 S-Corp Election



Are you a small business owner looking to elect your business as an S-corporation? This comprehensive guide on IRS Form 2553 is essential for you. Filing Form 2553 can be intricate, but with the right information, it's manageable. In this article, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about Form 2553, from the basics of S-corp election to the nuances of filling out and filing the form. Discover why this information is crucial for your small business’s tax strategies and financial health.

What is IRS Form 2553?

Understanding the Basics of Form 2553

IRS Form 2553, officially titled "Election by a Small Business Corporation," is used by small businesses to elect S-corporation status under the Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. This election alters the way a corporation is taxed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), moving from the standard corporate taxation to a pass-through mechanism.

Importance for Small Business Owners

For small business corporations, this form represents a strategic decision. Electing S-corp status can mean significant tax savings and a shift in reporting profits and losses. It's crucial for business owners to understand the implications and benefits of this election.

Who Needs to File Form 2553? 

Eligibility Criteria for Filing

To file Form 2553, a business must meet certain IRS criteria, including limitations on the number and type of shareholders and agreement from all shareholders. Businesses must also be domestic corporations or other entities eligible to be treated as corporations.

Identifying Your Business's Need to File

Not every business will benefit from or qualify for S-corp status. Business owners must assess their company's structure, tax situation, and long-term goals to determine if filing Form 2553 aligns with their objectives.

Benefits of Filing as an S-Corp

Tax Advantages of S-Corp Election

One of the primary benefits of electing S-corp status is the avoidance of double taxation on corporate income. Profits and losses are passed through to shareholders and reported on their personal tax returns, potentially leading to lower overall tax liabilities.

Asset Protection and Legal Benefits

Beyond tax benefits, electing S-corp status can offer legal advantages, including limited liability protection for shareholders. This means personal assets are generally protected from business debts and liabilities.

The Process of Completing Small Business Tax Form 2553

Step-by-Step Instructions

Completing Form 2553 involves several critical steps: determining the effective date of the election, gathering shareholder consents, and accurately filling out the form's sections, including business information and shareholder details.

Step Description

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Errors in completing Form 2553 can lead to rejection of the S-corp election. Common mistakes include incorrect shareholder information, missing signatures, or incorrect tax year references. Attention to detail is paramount.

Understanding the Deadline for Filing

Filing Deadline Details

Form 2553 must be filed no later than two months and 15 days after the beginning of the tax year the election is to take effect. For new corporations, this is typically the date of incorporation.

Consequences of Missing the Deadline

Late filings can result in the IRS denying the S-corp election for the current tax year, which could significantly impact taxation and financial planning for the business.

Comparing Form 2553 and Form 8832: Form 2553 Instructions

Key Differences Between the Forms

While Form 2553 is specific to S-corp elections, Form 8832 is used by entities to choose their classification for federal tax purposes. Understanding each form's distinct purposes and implications is crucial for making informed decisions.

Business Structure Form 2553 (S Corporation Election) Form 8832 (Association Taxable as a Corporation Election)
Eligible Entities Small business corporations (SCorps) Partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), business trusts, and other business entities
Purpose Elects to be treated as an S corporation for tax purposes Elects to be treated as an association taxable as a corporation for tax purposes
Taxation Pass-through taxation; shareholders pay taxes on corporate income, not the corporation itself Double taxation; corporation pays taxes on its income, and shareholders also pay taxes on distributions from the corporation
Ownership Limited to 100 shareholders, who must be individuals, estates, or certain trusts No restrictions on ownership
Permitted Activities Can engage in any lawful business activity Can engage in any lawful business activity
Advantages Avoids double taxation, provides flexibility in business structure, may offer certain benefits to shareholders Provides limited liability protection for owners, may be simpler to form and operate than a corporation
Disadvantages Subject to certain restrictions, may not be suitable for all types of businesses Subject to double taxation, may be more complex to form and operate than a partnership or LLC

Choosing the Right Form for Your Business

The choice between Form 2553 and Form 8832 depends on various factors, including the type of entity, the desired tax treatment, and the business structure. This section helps clarify which form aligns with specific business needs.

Requirements for Shareholders in S-Corp Election: File IRS Form 2553

Eligibility and Consent of Shareholders

All shareholders must consent to the S-corp election, and there are limits on the number and type of shareholders allowed. The role and responsibilities of shareholders in this process are critical.

Impact on Individual Tax Filings

Shareholders of an S-corp must report their share of the corporation's income, deductions, and credits on their personal tax returns. This change in tax reporting is an essential consideration for potential S-corp shareholders.

Need to Fill Out Form 2553 to the IRS

Options for Filing: Mail or Fax

Form 2553 can be submitted to the IRS either by mail or fax. The choice depends on convenience, timing, and record-keeping preferences. This section provides the necessary mailing addresses and fax numbers.

Ensuring Successful Submission

To ensure the IRS properly receives and processes Form 2553, it's recommended to follow up on the submission. This can involve checking for confirmation of receipt and addressing any issues promptly.

Dealing with Late S-Corp Election

Understanding Late Filing Election Relief

The IRS may grant relief for late S-corp elections in certain circumstances. This section discusses the criteria for late election relief and the process for applying.

Steps to Request Late Election

Requesting late election relief involves completing specific sections of Form 2553 and attaching a statement explaining the reason for the late filing. Detailed guidance on this process is provided.

After Filing: What Next?

Confirmation of Election by IRS

After filing, it's crucial to receive confirmation from the IRS that your S-corp election has been accepted. This section discusses how to verify acceptance and what documents to expect.

Changes in Tax Obligations and Benefits: Corporation Status

The final part of the journey involves understanding the changes in tax responsibilities and benefits that come with S-corp status. This includes preparing for different tax filings and leveraging new tax advantages.

Key Takeaways: Navigating IRS Form 2553 for S-Corp Election

  • Form 2553 Essentials: IRS Form 2553, or the "Election by a Small Business Corporation," is pivotal for small businesses seeking S-corporation status. It's a tax form that changes the taxation structure for eligible corporations.
  • Filing Requirements: Small businesses must file Form 2553 with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to make an S-corp election. This applies to entities meeting specific IRS criteria, including the type and number of shareholders.
  • Tax Year Considerations: Unless otherwise stated, the election must take effect at the beginning of the tax year. The filing deadline is typically two months and 15 days after the beginning of the tax year the election is to take effect.
  • Completing the Form: Completing Form 2553 requires meticulous attention to detail, including accurately filling out business and shareholder information. Instructions for Form 2553 should be followed closely to avoid errors.
  • Submission Methods: The completed form can be submitted via mail or fax to the IRS. Ensure the correct mailing address or fax number is used.
  • Shareholder Consent: All shareholders must consent to the election, and their personal tax situations will be affected due to the pass-through taxation of an S-corp.
  • Late Filing Provisions: Late S-corp elections are possible with late election relief, subject to specific IRS guidelines. Late filers must attach a statement explaining the reason for the delay.
  • Tax Treatment and Benefits: Electing S-corp status offers benefits like pass-through taxation, avoiding double taxation, and limited liability for shareholders.
  • Post-Election Steps: Businesses should confirm the election's approval with the IRS after filing. This changes the corporation's tax treatment and legal documentation requirements.
  • Eligibility Criteria: The business must meet IRS criteria to be treated as a corporation for federal tax purposes. This includes being a domestic corporation, having allowable shareholders, and meeting other qualifications under Subchapter S.
  • Election Timeline: The form must be filed in the same year for the election to be effective for the current tax year. If filed in the following tax year, the election takes effect in that year.
  • Understanding Form 8832: It's important to differentiate between Form 2553 and Form 8832, which is another entity classification form for tax purposes.

These points encapsulate the critical aspects of filing Form 2553 for the S-corp election and the consequent changes in taxation and legal standing for a small business corporation.

How can Taxfyle help?

Finding an accountant to file your taxes is a big decision. Luckily, you don't have to handle the search on your own. 

At Taxfyle, we connect individuals and small businesses with licensed, experienced CPAs or EAs in the US. We handle the hard part of finding the right tax professional by matching you with a Pro who has the right experience to meet your unique needs and will handle filing taxes for you.

Get started with Taxfyle today, and see how filing taxes can be simplified. 

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November 20, 2023


Luis Rivero, CPA

Luis Rivero, CPA


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