

Taxfyle Pros: Prohibited Conduct

3 Min Read

Taxfyle Pros: Prohibited Conduct



What is considered prohibited conduct?

It's Taxfyle's obligation to preserve the integrity of the platform we've provided our customers and Pros. Our team is devoted to fostering a safe and transparent environment to be shared during tax season. It's our duty to protect our customers in the event there is foul play. Suspected foul play on behalf of Pros is not accepted.  

Taxfyle will not tolerate Pros suspected of soliciting Taxfyle customers for services not communicated with the Taxfyle Pro Success team. If you find the client may require additional services not indicated within the current job specifications, you may reach out through the Taxfyle help chat and a member of the Pro Success Team will contact the client and adjust fees and job details accordingly.

False Pretense:
In no circumstance, is it acceptable to accept an opportunity and allow another individual to prepare returns and communicate with clients under the guise of your profile. We understand some Pros within the platform own their own firms and may have associates engaged to prepare the returns; However, as the Pro registered with Taxfyle, you will ultimately be the party held responsible for communication.

External Communication:
It’s mandatory for all communication between customer and Pro to be held within the Taxfyle messenger tool as this allows a transcript to remain available for future reference. If at any time a customer requests to speak to you outside of the app, please decline respectfully.

Mishandling Information:
Pros are expected to handle all information transmitted through the Taxfyle platform with the utmost due care. Any inappropriate actions or mishandling of customer information will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

What are the penalties for engaging in prohibited conduct?

Pros suspected for engaging in prohibited conduct will have all their jobs inspected for quality control. If the Pro Success team confirms you've been engaging in prohibited conduct you will be suspended indefinitely from the platform. In order to stay active on the Taxfyle platform, best practice is to provide excellent quality service for your client, receive high ratings, and avoid prohibited conduct.

How does Taxfyle know if I'm soliciting?

Our technology allows us to track all conversations, locations, and activity for transparency and security. Once flagged, the Pro Success team will inspect all current and completed jobs for quality control.

What happens if I'm flagged for engaging in prohibited conduct

Pros flagged for prohibited conduct will have their jobs inspected by members of the Pro Success team. Jobs which indicate that prohibited conduct has been engaged in will be flagged for inspections. The Pro Success team will then inspect all of your current and completed jobs for quality control.

What if I've identified additional services I can provide my client?

When additional opportunities arise, reach out to the Pro Success team via the Help Chat and they will assess the feasibility and pricing of the additional services. Once the Taxfyle team has come to an agreement with the client and assessed a fee for the additional work, Pros are then instructed to begin providing the deliverable for the additional services identified. We encourage all of our Pros to find additional value-added services for your clients. All Pros will receive their earnings for the additional work to be performed. However, only additional services the Taxfyle team is notified of will be invoiced so please keep in contact with the team in the event that you recognize additional services are needed so we can update your earnings on those jobs.

What happens if my client wants to e-mail or call me outside the Taxfyle platform?

In the event a client wishes to call or e-mail you to conduct business during the engagement, you must respectfully decline. Taxfyle has developed an in-app messaging tool to track and preserve a transcript of the job conversation and job history log. By engaging in external communication, the integrity of the platform is compromised which is not acceptable. Please inform the Taxfyle Pro Success team and we will reach out to your client to inform them this conduct is not allowed. We do understand as professionals, sometimes it's easier to get on the phone and discuss business matters. We're actively looking for solutions to address this issue, but this feature is not currently available.

Legal Disclaimer

Tickmark, Inc. and its affiliates do not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal, tax or accounting advice or recommendations. All information prepared on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be relied on for legal, tax or accounting advice. You should consult your own legal, tax or accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. The content on this website is provided “as is;” no representations are made that the content is error-free.

Leave your books to professionals. Click to connect with a Pro.Leave your books to professionals. Click to connect with a Pro.Leave your books to professionals. Click to connect with a Pro.
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September 23, 2021





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