
Personal taxes


Tax Implications for GoFundMe Donations: Tax Tips for Crowdfunding and are Taxable Donations Tax Deductible

13 Minute Read

Are GoFundMe Donations Tax Deductible? Navigating Taxable Implications of GoFundMe Campaigns and Crowdfunding Campaigns



In the modern age of digital fundraising, platforms like GoFundMe have revolutionized how individuals and organizations raise money for causes close to their hearts. However, with this innovation comes a complex maze of tax implications. This article elucidates the tax landscape surrounding GoFundMe and similar crowdfunding platforms, providing valuable tax tips to ensure you stay IRS-compliant while championing your cause.

What is GoFundMe and How Does It Work?

Understanding GoFundMe

GoFundMe is a popular online crowdfunding platform that allows individuals and organizations to raise money for personal causes, projects, or charitable endeavors. Through GoFundMe, organizers can create a campaign, share their story, set a fundraising goal, and then share their campaign with their network and the broader public. The platform facilitates the donation process, making it easy for people to contribute to causes they care about.

Overview of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding, the practice of funding a project or cause by raising money from a large number of people, has become a mainstream method to raise money for a myriad of reasons. Platforms like GoFundMe have democratized fundraising, enabling anyone with a cause to reach potential donors globally. Crowdfunding can be for charitable causes, personal needs, entrepreneurial projects, or any other initiative that requires financial support.

Are Donations on GoFundMe Tax Deductible?

Donor's Perspective

The tax-deductibility of a donation made on GoFundMe largely depends on the nature of the campaign. Donations to charitable organizations or nonprofits that are recognized by the IRS may be tax-deductible. However, donations to personal causes or individual campaigns on GoFundMe are generally considered personal gifts and are not tax-deductible.

Organizer’s Perspective

For organizers, the money raised through GoFundMe can have different tax implications. If the organizer represents a registered nonprofit, the donations received may not be considered taxable income. Conversely, funds raised for personal causes could be seen as taxable income, depending on the total amount raised and the tax laws in the organizer’s jurisdiction.

What Constitutes a Taxable Donation?

IRS Guidelines

According to IRS guidelines, a taxable donation typically refers to a gift of money or property without expectation of receiving something of equal value in return. However, not all donations are considered taxable, and the tax implications can vary based on the nature of the donation and the recipient's tax status.

Taxable vs. Non-Taxable Donations

Charitable donations to IRS-recognized nonprofits are usually tax-deductible for the donor and not considered taxable income for the recipient. On the other hand, personal gifts or donations to individual campaigns on platforms like GoFundMe are generally not tax-deductible for the donor and may be considered taxable income for the recipient.

How Are GoFundMe Donations Taxed?

Tax Implications for the Organizer

The tax implications for an organizer on GoFundMe can vary based on the nature of the campaign and the amount of money raised. It's advisable for organizers to consult with a tax professional to understand the tax obligations associated with the funds raised on GoFundMe, especially if the campaign is for personal causes.

Tax Implications for the Donor

For donors, the tax implications primarily center around whether the donation is tax-deductible. Donors can usually deduct donations made to IRS-recognized charitable organizations, but not personal campaigns. It's always a good practice for donors to keep a record of their donations for tax purposes.

Does GoFundMe Issue Tax Documents?

Receipts and Documentation

GoFundMe provides receipts to donors via email for each donation made. However, these receipts may not satisfy the IRS documentation requirements for a tax-deductible donation. It's the responsibility of the campaign organizer to issue proper tax receipts if their campaign is associated with a registered nonprofit.

Communicating with Donors

Transparent communication between organizers and donors regarding the tax implications of donations is crucial. Organizers should clearly state whether donations to their campaign are tax-deductible and provide the necessary documentation to donors for tax purposes, especially if the campaign is associated with a registered nonprofit.

Are There Exceptions to Tax Rules on Donations?

Medical Expenses

Donations collected to cover medical expenses are often seen in a unique light when it comes to tax rules. While the tax implications may vary by jurisdiction, generally, donations received for medical expenses are not considered taxable income for the recipient. However, donors should be aware that their donations towards medical expenses on GoFundMe are not tax-deductible unless made to a qualified charitable organization.

Charitable Organizations

Charitable organizations with a recognized tax-exempt status are exceptions to many tax rules surrounding donations. Donations made to such organizations are typically tax-deductible for the donor, and the organizations themselves are not taxed on the donations received. When a GoFundMe campaign is organized on behalf of a registered charity, it's imperative to provide clear information regarding the tax-deductible nature of donations.

How Can a Tax Professional Help?

Tax Planning and GoFundMe Campaigns

Engaging a tax professional can be invaluable for both organizers and donors in understanding the tax landscape of GoFundMe campaigns. They can provide insights into tax planning to ensure compliance with IRS rules and to understand the tax implications of the funds raised or donated.

Consulting with a Tax Advisor

A tax advisor can provide personalized advice based on an individual's or organization’s specific tax situations. They can help navigate the complex tax laws surrounding online fundraising and provide strategies to minimize tax liability while maximizing the benefits of the campaign.

Navigating the Gift Tax Landscape

Understanding Gift Tax

Gift tax is a tax on the transfer of property by one individual to another while receiving nothing, or less than full value, in return. The donor is generally responsible for paying the gift tax. Understanding how gift tax applies to GoFundMe donations can be crucial as large donations to personal campaigns might trigger gift tax liabilities.

How Gift Tax Affects Donations

Gift tax can affect both the donor and the recipient. For instance, large donations to individual GoFundMe campaigns could potentially be subject to gift tax. It’s advisable to consult with a tax professional to understand the gift tax implications and the necessary reporting requirements.

What Are the IRS Issues Surrounding Crowdfunding?

IRS Stance on Crowdfunding

The IRS views money raised through crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe as taxable income, especially if the funds are not donations to a qualified charitable organization. The tax treatment can vary depending on the circumstances surrounding each campaign.

Ensuring Compliance

Ensuring compliance with IRS rules is crucial to avoid potential tax liabilities and penalties. Keeping thorough documentation of all transactions and consulting with a tax professional can help in understanding the tax obligations and ensuring compliance with tax laws.

Key Tax Tips for Navigating GoFundMe Donations

Preparing for Tax Time

Preparation is key when it comes to managing the tax implications of GoFundMe campaigns. Keeping a detailed record of all donations received, along with any expenses incurred, can provide a clear financial picture and assist in the preparation of accurate tax returns.

Lowering Tax Liability

Strategies such as itemizing deductions, including charitable donations, and consulting with a tax advisor can help in lowering tax liability. Being proactive in understanding the tax laws and seeking professional advice can provide a pathway to minimizing tax obligations while ensuring compliance with the IRS.

Understanding the Tax Landscape Surrounding GoFundMe and Similar Crowdfunding Platforms

The tax landscape surrounding GoFundMe and similar crowdfunding platforms is multifaceted, with different tax rules applying based on the nature of the campaign, the tax status of the organizer, and the intent of the donation. Both organizers and donors must have a grasp of these tax rules to avoid unexpected tax liabilities and to make the most out of their fundraising or donating experience. Being well-informed about the tax implications can also foster transparency and trust between organizers and donors, enhancing the overall success of the campaign.

Consultation with a Tax Professional

Due to the complex nature of tax rules surrounding online fundraising, consultation with a tax professional is highly recommended. A tax professional can provide personalized advice to ensure that organizers are compliant with IRS regulations, and donors are making informed decisions regarding their donations. They can shed light on potential tax deductions, gift tax implications, and the tax treatment of donations received, providing a roadmap for navigating the tax maze associated with GoFundMe campaigns.

Other options for deductions

The Section 179 deduction is especially beneficial for small business owners, as it allows them to immediately deduct the full purchase price of qualifying vehicles instead of depreciating the value over several years. This can provide significant tax savings and help stimulate business growth. Also, remember that you should keep track of your mileage for additional tax benefits.

How can Taxfyle Help?

It’s important to file your taxes accurately and promptly. But when life gets in the way, it’s easy to procrastinate or file quickly. When it comes to filing your taxes, should you really be taking any risks?

Taxfyle is the tax filing solution. We connect you with a licensed CPA or EA on our Pro network who can file your taxes for you at an affordable rate. There’s no reason to stress over your taxes when you use Taxfyle because you have the peace of mind of knowing an expert is doing all the work for you. 

Legal Disclaimer

Tickmark, Inc. and its affiliates do not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal, tax or accounting advice or recommendations. All information prepared on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be relied on for legal, tax or accounting advice. You should consult your own legal, tax or accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. The content on this website is provided “as is;” no representations are made that the content is error-free.

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October 30, 2023


Steven de la Fe, CPA

Steven de la Fe, CPA


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